Scholarship for Jewish Watchmaking Students
Jewish watchmakers have a rich history of innovation and contribution to the art and science of horology. Even so, Jewish watchmakers are underrepresented both in the historic and modern watchmaking industries. A more diverse industry will lead to a stronger industry with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences, and in-turn advance the art and science of horology. The Horological Society of New York is committed to ensuring the success of Jewish watchmaking students in every way.
Oscar Waldan
Oscar Waldan
Oscar Waldan (1923-2018) was a Polish born, Jewish watchmaker and the founder and former President of Waldan International. Waldan learned the basics of watchmaking during his imprisonment in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp during WWII, where he befriended a watchmaker in the camp who took him on as his apprentice and subsequently, that skill saved his life.
Following a prestigious career having held senior positions in both sales and design at Tissot, Universal Geneve and the Holzer Watch Company from the 1950’s to 1970’s, as well as independent consulting for entities like IWC and Rolex in the 1980’s, Waldan began purchasing mechanical movements when no-one sought after their use during the Swiss quartz crisis and subsequently founded Waldan International in 1979. From the 1980’s to the mid 2000’s, Waldan produced various private label collections of timeless wristwatches for companies like Tiffany & Co., Tourneau and Neiman Marcus before designing and launching his own line of Waldan Watches, a collection of high grade chronographs and chronometers, capturing the best of Oscar’s eye and career of high end craft and design.
Any Jewish student who has been accepted or is currently studying at a full-time watchmaking school in the USA is eligible for the Oscar Waldan Scholarship. Prospective students may also apply, with the understanding that the scholarship is contingent on their enrollment at a full-time watchmaking school. The scholarship is awarded every April. Awards up to $5,000 are available.
To apply, students should email a letter in PDF form to the Trustees of the Horological Society of New York that includes a biography, explanation of their motivation to study watchmaking and an explanation of how this scholarship would benefit the applicant. A resume is required, and reference letters are recommended. The application period is January 1 to March 1 of every year.
The Oscar Waldan Scholarship for Jewish Watchmaking Students is made possible by a generous donation from Waldan International.
Zachary Scoular, Veterans Watchmaker Initiative
Boris London
North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute
Chris Tullos
Veterans Watchmaker Initiative
Joshua Daniel Strick
Nicolas G. Hayek Watchmaking School, Miami
Sara Glaser
York Time Institute, Pennsylvania
Scholarships will be disbursed based on the proportion of the recognized educational program the student has completed. Additional funds will be disbursed at the beginning of each quarter/semester/section, in proportion to how much of the program that quarter/semester/section represents.
If a student leaves the program before completion disbursements will be paused. If said student does re-enroll in a watchmaking program within 2 years, their scholarship disbursements will restart. If said student does not re-enroll in a watchmaking program within 2 years the balance of the award is forfeited. If the same student enrolls again in a watchmaking program after 2 years they are not disqualified from applying to HSNY for additional scholarships.
For example, if a student is enrolled in a 2 year program consisting of 8 quarters, and is awarded a scholarship after 4 quarters of enrollment, the initial dispersement would be 50% of their total award. Additional quarterly disbursements would be 12.5% of their total award.
Exempt from the scholarship are board members, trustees, fellows of the Horological Society of New York, and their family members. Grant recipients will be asked to complete a W-9 form before receiving their gift (check) for tax purposes. For more information, contact us.