HSNY would like to welcome the following new members. It is only with our members' support that we are able to continue flourishing as America's oldest watchmaking guild and advancing the art and science of horology every day.
Amit Puri, VA
Andrew Cheng, Canada
Brad Hedberg, IL
Carlos Carranza, NJ
Cheng Siang Lim, Malaysia
Chris Carey, MA
Cyrus Mirakhor, CA
David Englander, VT
Delk Edward, NY
Edward Bishop, United Kingdom
Eric Kunz, NY
Faisal Yamin, NJ
Gary Hewitt, IL
James Stankiewicz, Canada
John Edgington, NC
Jonathan Clark, CA
Joseph Hawthorn, TX
Joseph Page M.H, Canada
Justin Tse, Hong Kong
Ken Deegan, NY
Kevin Goh, Malaysia
Lee Williams, NY
Leslie Bilger, FL
Maria Helena Torres, Portugal
Maria Lerdal, NY
Mark Miller, CA
Mark Nester, NJ
Martin Sandvoss, Germany
Matthew Rosenheim, Washington, D.C.
Michael Gardner, PA
Michael Tay, Malaysia
Miles Membreno, CA
Mitchell S. Ross, NY
Nathaniel Pettis, NY
Paul Goldman, NY
Paula Wynn, OR
Pavan Bharteey, NC
Phillip Michel, Germany
R. D. Stark, MA
Rachel Baron, NY
Ronald Champagne, IL
Sailesh Mukundala, Australia
Shuajb Berisha, United Kingdom
Steven Kanaplue, NJ
Suphi Turker, ME
Thomas Plantin, TX
Tim Feasey, United Kingdom
Tony Ricciardi, NY
Dr. Wolfram Koeppe, NY