Scholarship for Watchmaking Students

Most watchmaking schools in the USA are free. Tuition is covered by a sponsoring brand, and usually the only school expense that the students cover are their tools. These schools are full-time two year programs, meaning paying for living expenses can be difficult. This is where the Henry B. Fried Scholarship comes in; the Horological Society of New York wants to help watchmaking students succeed in every way.

Henry Fried instructing students on escapement mechanics. Photo courtesy of the Brooklyn Public Library—Brooklyn Collection.

Henry Fried instructing students on escapement mechanics. Photo courtesy of the Brooklyn Public Library—Brooklyn Collection.

Henry B. Fried

Henry B. Fried (1907-1996) was president of the Horological Society of New York, president of the New York State Watchmakers Association, and vice-president of the Horological Institute of America (a precursor to the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute.) A prolific author, Fried wrote 14 books on watchmaking that continue to be in high demand. He was the first American to receive the Silver Medal of the British Horological Institute, and the New York Times described him as “the dean of American watchmakers.” In short, Fried exemplified every value HSNY pursues today.


Any student who has been accepted or is currently studying at a full-time watchmaking school in the USA is eligible for the Henry B. Fried Scholarship. Prospective students may also apply, with the understanding that the scholarship is contingent on their enrollment at a full-time watchmaking school. The scholarship is awarded every April. Awards up to $5,000 are available.

To apply, students should email a letter in PDF form to the Trustees of the Horological Society of New York that includes a biography, explanation of their motivation to study watchmaking and an explanation of how this scholarship would benefit the applicant. A resume is required, and reference letters are recommended. The application period is January 1 to March 1 of every year.




  1. Brian Furi, Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program

  2. Aaron Bright, Veterans Watchmaker Initiative

  3. Andrew Claude, Rolex Watchmaking Training Center

  4. Evan McCarthy, Lititz Watch Technicum

  5. Roger Abuanza, North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking

  6. Eric Jo, North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking

  7. Henry Hornbrook, Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program

  8. Leo Suarez, Lititz Watch Technicum


Paolo Gonzales

Nicolas G. Hayek Watchmaking School

William Ready

North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking

Itay Edry

Lititz Watch Technicum

Brandon McAnally

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program

Nicholas Amelung

Lititz Watch Technicum

Max Conser

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute

Gideon Bodley

Lititz Watch Technicum


Adam Barry

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program

Kent Beckley

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute

Alex Ciesielski

Lititz Watch Technicum

Samuel D. H. Mallow

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute

Andy Park

North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking

Jonathan Vasquez

Nicolas G. Hayek Watchmaking School

Kevin Zamani

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute



Cassidy Atkins

York Time Institute, Pennsylvania

Louie Barrera

York Time Institute, Pennsylvania

Levi Cooper

Lititz Watch Technicum, Pennsylvania

Evan Embrey

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute, Washington

Benjamin Herring

Veterans Watchmaker Initiative, Delaware

John B. Kim

Apprentice, Oregon

Eric Preciado

Veterans Watchmaker Initiative, Delaware

Matthew Smithey

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program, Texas

Robert Younger

Patek Philippe Institute, New York

Edmond Zacapa

Lititz Watch Technicum, Pennsylvania




David Duszynski

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute, Washington


Emily Pazar

Patek Philippe Institute, New York


Ezekiel Ernst

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program, Texas


Kavin Kulamavalavan

North Seattle College Watch Technology Institute, Washington


Kevin Knaus

Veterans Watchmaker Initiative, Delaware


William Humphres

Patek Philippe Institute, New York



Brandan Cloos

Lititz Watch Technicum, Pennsylvania


Gordon Hyde

Veterans Watchmaker Initiative, Delaware


Brian Kruppenbacher

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program, Texas

Raluca Markow

Patek Philippe Institute, New York


Nichelle Nguyen

North American Swiss Institute of Watchmaking, Texas


Jared Troy

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program, Texas



Aleksandra Halic

North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking, Texas


Nural Amin

York Time Institute, Pennsylvania


Gerard Connolly

Paris Junior College Watchmaking Program, Texas



Mark Duckett

Patek Philippe Institute, New York


Erik Gonzalez

Patek Philippe Institute, New York




Justin Shellenberger

Lititz Watch Technicum, Pennsylvania


Scholarships will be disbursed based on the proportion of the recognized educational program the student has completed. Additional funds will be disbursed at the beginning of each quarter/semester/section, in proportion to how much of the program that quarter/semester/section represents.

If a student leaves the program before completion disbursements will be paused. If said student does re-enroll in a watchmaking program within 2 years, their scholarship disbursements will restart. If said student does not re-enroll in a watchmaking program within 2 years the balance of the award is forfeited. If the same student enrolls again in a watchmaking program after 2 years they are not disqualified from applying to HSNY for additional scholarships.

For example, if a student is enrolled in a 2 year program consisting of 8 quarters, and is awarded a scholarship after 4 quarters of enrollment, the initial dispersement would be 50% of their total award. Additional quarterly disbursements would be 12.5% of their total award.

Exempt from the scholarship are board members, trustees, fellows of the Horological Society of New York, and their family members. Grant recipients will be asked to complete a W-9 form before receiving their gift (check) for tax purposes. For more information, contact us.